So just how is the information we present in our health education projects received by Myanmar’s nurses? We asked Ester, Cing Date Nuan and Cing Lam Do Kim, students at Tender Love Nursing College, what they thought of Exousia’s Nutrition and health care training.

Ester Shot


I’ve never heard this information on preventing diabetes, how eating healthy can help protect us against diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Now that I have this knowledge I can share it with many other people.

Thank you so much for sharing this knowledge with us!

Cing Date Nuan Shot

Cing Date Nuan

I found this training really effective for me; I’ve learnt a lot. My mum suffers heart disease and high blood pressure but I now know how to prevent it happening to others. As soon as I go home I will share this information with my mum to help manage her heart disease. I’m going to share this knowledge with everyone I know straight away.

Cing Lam Do kim ShotCing Lam Do Kim

Doctors have taught us about nutrition but this seminar is quite different. I have learnt a lot, things I never knew before. Everything was explained clearly so I was able to understand what was being taught. I also learnt how to eat healthy in our daily meals, in a way that we can afford.

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